Secondary - Washington School
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When our students graduate, they are awarded a Bilingual (Spanish- English) High School Degree with a specialisation in Business administration, Communication or Mathematics and Physics . Teachers are distinguished by their professional careers, academic skills and high-level certifications from different Universities (Graduate Degrees).

Students are highly prepared to enter prestigious universities in Argentina and the rest of the world.


At Washington School the National Official Programmes are taught together with the international programmes of Cambridge University and the International Baccalaureate Organization.

Our bilingual programme establishes that approximately 45% of the subjects are taught in English. All subjects are indistinctly available in the morning or in the afternoon shift. Students are prepared to sit for both Spanish and English subjects so as to obtain their international certifications and diplomas. The results are excellent in the different assessing situations.

During the last three years of Secondary schooling, Washington School offers three different academic lines for students to choose from. These are: Administration, Communication and Mathematics and Physics.

  • Administration: The subjects dealt with in this area -Accountancy, Economy and Business Management- keep an updated curriculum according to that of the Admission Course to the career of Economics in the University of Buenos Aires (CBC- Ciclo Básico Común).
  • Communication: This line offers a space to inquire on the different phenomena in communication. Through the analysis, investigation and production diverse aspects of communication, social and cultural manifestations are critically studied.
  • Orientation in Mathematics and Physics: This other line is designed to let students achieve a good handling of logical sequences, to carry on experiments and also get to theoretical conclusions, together with problem-solving activities and their application. Special emphasis is given to Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematical Analysis. Students are also offered tools for environmental management through the subject Natural Economy.


The subject “Learning to Learn” has been offered at School for over 16 years and has always been considered an avant-garde space of pedagogical innovation. It articulates with “Theory of Knowledge” and its creation gave answers to the need to teach students.

different study techniques ranging from note-taking to the development of analytical reading comprehension skills that will allow them to make significant relations and inferences. The final production could be an art piece, a written essay about a special topic, a literary piece, an original experiment, an invention or a specially designed object.

“Learning to Learn” was presented to colleagues in the “30th Symposium for Geography Teaching”, CONICET, on June 9th and 10th 2016.

Counselling Programme

Aimed at students in the last year of secondary school, the Programme objectives are:

  • To emotionally support the students in their process of soon-to-become graduates.
  • To provide them with information about universities, career choices and possible work related offers.
  • To connect students with the work environment of their interest. To that aim, informative presentations from different universities are offered; visits to firms, organizations and universities are coordinated. Every year, the event “WS Intern for a Day” is organized where members of our community, professionals in diverse fields, invite students to share a working day, trying to focus themselves already in action as prospective professionals in the area.

Exchange trip to Boston and Washington D.C. and Oxford, London

We started this project with the goal of giving our students the possibility of living an experience that allows them to relate and interact with students from other countries, using the English language with fluency in real situations and the opening to other cultures in a setting of respect and interest.